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New Earth

Alone and Together
Summer 2025

Herne, Berlin and Frankfurt

With constellation and meditation we will explore our future beings.
The workshop

The New Earth is a vision, a picture of the future that is painted and enriched by many people.

Soil structure, administration, healing, living worlds, relationships, many aspects are re-dreamed and designed.

The central element for our Dis-cover workshop is ourselves: in our existence as the future human being we are striving for.

And equally in the community, as part of a collective being in the future.

We want to make our dreams tangible and palpable. We want to experience, work out, line up and explore the concerns of each individual.

Together we can reach a depth that enables us to embody our visions much more comprehensively.



As a group of people who care about our future togetherness, we want to experience and shape the elements of our future self and a future collective being in this seminar.

Each of us brings his dreams – his ideas and wishes of a New earth.

With guided meditation and elements of constellation work we bring them to life, can contemplate them and make them more tangible for our inner being.

In doing so, spaces open up that we were not aware of before, that are new aspects and parts of our dream and help us to further develop this vision.

Come with us to this workshop of the New Earth and do your part to bring it to life.

Retreat location

Herne, Berlin and Frankfurt (more details later)

Retreat times

not announced yet

Retreat costs

will be announced together with the dates

Learn more >

Experiences from participants


"I felt how much the earth wanted human beings and that a dimension of the human being resonated in me that is still incomprehensible to me. A dignity and a light underlying this cosmic being that made me feel deeply humble."

Event leaders

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